fredag, juli 18, 2008

Hobby Princess about micromarketing

HobbyPrincess: "Social Objects project explores new forms of internet-mediated communication around design objects. Between October and July 2007 we explored three main themes:

  • micromarketing
  • mobile tourism
  • desig centered social networks

In collaboration with young designers, museums, and a school, we built seven practical examples that each relates to a theme. All examples work on the free platform."

"Micro marketing" is a thing that defines the marketing approach of many crafts and design people. Some try to sell their works with "zero budget marketing". The result isn't always the best possible.

Nylands hantverk was into "Mobile tourism" in the project hantverksrundan. The idea was great, we've interesting destinations but the implementation is still in its infancy.

"Design centered social networks" is a great concept and we have discussed about the need to organize several local networks to get in touch with the members in Nyland and Östra Nyland. This work is in progress and I'll be reporting more about it in the coming months.

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